Our plan for the future

Behind the scenes, Elkhart Public Library staff spent much of the summer of 2018 working to define the key areas of work for the next three years. This strategic plan is dedicated to making a difference for the diverse communities we serve.

The development of goals and actions began with the community. Hundreds of current customers, non-library users and community leaders supplied comments, opinions and observations. Aly Sterling Philanthropy compiled the valuable information from one-on-one discussions, focus group meetings and surveys for staff to use.

A revised mission statement and five core goals and supporting actions were the result. See the complete document with initiatives, actions and timelines.

Strategic initiatives

  1. Help every child read and succeed by Grade 3.
  2. Foster curiosity and the joy of learning in people and communities.
  3. Create cultural, social, professional and recreational opportunities for everyone.
  4. Effectively and efficiently integrate EPL into the communities we serve.
  5. Develop our neighborhood locations for more vibrant and customized services.