Adult Crafternoon – Bookmarker
Osolo Branch 3429 E. Bristol St., Elkhart, IN, United StatesMeet new people and learn new skills while making something. This month we're making a bookmaker. Registration for this program opens Jan. 1.
Meet new people and learn new skills while making something. This month we're making a bookmaker. Registration for this program opens Jan. 1.
Get dancing with direction from a local choreographer. For all skill levels, ages 13 and up.
Follow along with local artist Linda Pieri as we create a painting. To serve more people, there will be two sessions each month with the same painting. Registration for this program opens Feb. 1.
With expert help from the Purdue Extension office, learn how to manage diabetes effectively. To register call 574.533.0554 or email
Join our one-day reading challenge. Read manga or graphic novels for as long as you can, every minute brings you closer to a prize. Plus more activities and snacks.
Meet others while learning new skills. This month we're creating a stencil on canvas. Registration for this program opens Feb. 1.
A plant hobby doesn’t have to be expensive. Join other green thumbs to swap cutting and add new members to your family. Bring a plant to trim and propagate or take one of ours. Pots an dirt available while supplies last.
Create a scene from a favorite book or characters with Peeps. Pick up an entry form and Peeps starting Monday, March 24 while supplies last. Return your scene and form by Tuesday, April 15. We’ll host a work day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 12 to build an entry. Winners will be […]
Improve social, emotion and mental connections through better communication and increase problem-solving and conflict resolution skills with a Purdue Extension educator. To register call 574.533.0554 or email
Learn the ins and outs an an air fryer, different model options, cooking techniques and safety tips from a Purdue Extension educator. Register by emailing or by calling 574-533-0554.
Create a scene from a favorite book or characters with Peeps. Pick up an entry form and Peeps starting Monday, March 24 while supplies last. Return your scene and form by Tuesday, April 15. We’ll host a work day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 12 to build an entry. Winners will be […]