Find your treasures with Kovel’s

What is that old thing worth anyway? Is it a real antique or faux? A new resource on EPL’s Digital Library will answer those questions.
Kovel’s, a leader in antiques and collectibles, is available through the Digital Library and offers information from pricing guides to maker’s marks, to help you figure out what you have.
Additionally, it offers reference guides, information for collectors, information on estate settling and more.
Whether you have jewelry, furniture, toys or pottery, Kovel’s can help you find out more information about it.
To access Kovel’s sign up for a Libby account. Libby also offers ebooks, audiobooks and magazines.
Click on Libby or Kovel’s, then click add a library card and find Elkhart Public Library on the list of libraries. Type in your card number and PIN (typically, the last four digits of the phone number you gave when signing up) and you’ll be ready to start.