Help us get the complete story of Elkhart’s high schools

‘Cause I’m looking through the yearbook
Then I find that empty space
There’s a name without a picture
But I can’t forget his face
Hanson, Millennial voices trapped in Generation X 

Dear Elkhart, we need your help. 

We’re feeling nostalgic with the return of Elkhart High School. We want to shore up our collection of school yearbooks. We want to fill some gaps. We want to replace some well-worn copies. We want to create a digital collection to better preserve these pieces of local history …

… no matter how awkward we felt when the photographer clicked that button so many years ago. 

Maybe you married your high school sweetheart and have a couple of copies in the closet. Maybe your folks passed them along as memories from their school years. If you’re willing to part with some or all of your collection, we want to take them in.

We’re also looking to expand our section with books from Elkhart Christian Academy and Jimtown High and their predecessors. We have some elementary and middle school books, too, and we have the capacity to take in more. 

Click here to see how many we have in the collection already. We’re hoping to get our numbers up to 3-4 in each year before our digitization project lifts off. 

If you’d like to donate, stop by the second floor reference desk downtown and talk with our librarians. You also can call 574-522-5669 or drop us a line to start the process. 

For the continuing love of our schools, 

Elkhart Public Library

Heads up for Tuesday 2/11 - Catalog may be offline during system upgrade | Hoopla & Libby unaffected
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