Elkhart (Ind.) Public Library is seeking proposals for architectural services related to a proposed renovation and/or expansion of the Downtown library, 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN 46516.

The proposal is available for viewing here.

Questions about the RFP may be submitted to Mary Beth Schlabach, Assistant Director of Public Services, via the form below not less than ten (10) business days prior to the RFP submission deadline.

• Questions must be received by Nov. 20, 2023
• All answers and questions will be posted to this page by Nov. 27, 2023.
• RFP deadline is Dec. 1, 2023.

Here is the ongoing Q&A, last updated Monday, Nov. 20, 2023:

Q: Will there be a formal walk through of the current spaces?  If not, can we set up a time to do that? 
A: From 10 to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6, 2023, our Head of Young People’s Services, Senior Building Operations Manager, Head of Facilities, and Director of Public Services will be available for a formal walk through. If this time doesn’t work for you or your team, we can schedule something else but we cannot guarantee who will be available for the walk through.

Q: On page 5, item 5, a breakdown of costs is requested.  Can you clarify what you would like to see in the breakdown? (Line referenced from RFP: Professional Fees – Please include a total price for the feasibility study as well as a breakdown of costs.)
A: EPL is requesting the proposal include an explanation of the services and deliverables provided with your professional fees as well as expected reimbursables and/or additional services that are not included in the fee.  

RFP – Downtown Areas for Children

Please note: Questions and responses will be posted to this page. Name/company will be considered confidential information and will not be posted.
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