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1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: Reading and Re-Reading Favorite Toddler Books

By: Krystal Keagle One of the things I love most about reading books with my 2-year-old daughter is seeing her develop preferences for books. Maya is 2 years and 3 […]

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: Choosing Our Strategy And Maya’s First Library Visit

By: Krystal Keagle The thought of reading 1,000 books in three years can seem daunting — until you remember that it’s 1,000 children’s books. I signed Maya up for the 1,000 […]

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten: Building Reading Habits From Birth

By: Krystal Keagle When I first found out I was pregnant, one of my first thoughts was, “I can’t wait to read to this baby.” After all, books were one […]
Students who love to read at Ox Bow Elementary get a visit from the Book Bus as part of the Reading Champions program.

Love to read: Reading Champions inspire teachers and classrooms

Here’s something you need to read about kids in this community who love to read.  The quality of readers in the youngest generation around these parts is very strong. And […]

A Lifetime Love Of Reading

By: Krystal Keagle For as long as I can remember, I’ve been enamored by stories — especially books. In kindergarten, my favorite part of the day was story time. My classmates […]

History on tree bark

One of EPL’s smallest and oldest books holds the most mysteries  Looking for answers to questions long unanswered, a researcher came to Elkhart. The pursuit? Looking at a book in […]

Passion for reading gets deeper with Summer Reading Challenge

Sally Bawtinheimer lifted her daughter’s backpack early one February morning. She noticed it was heavier than usual.  “She said, ‘I have six books in there,’” Sally recalled 8-year-old Lucy saying. […]

Start a garden with EPL’s seed library

Stretching food dollars. Building sustainable communities. Elkhart Public Library’s seed library makes growing fresh herbs and produce easier. Lindsey Caterina, community wellness coordinator for Purdue Extension Elkhart County, says seed […]

How to watch the solar eclipse in Elkhart at the library

When the sun disappears for a few brief moments on Monday, April 8, Elkhart Public Library locations will be watching it all happen. The Cleveland, Dunlap and Downtown libraries are […]
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