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Scavenger Hunt

Osolo Branch 3429 E. Bristol St., Elkhart

Pop in during open hours during spring break for a scavenger hunt. Find the clues and earn a prize.

Canvas Kids with Miss Debbie

Dunlap Branch 58485 C.R. 13 East, Elkhart

(This event is full. Keep watching for more activities.) French artist Georges Seurat invented a painting style called pointillism. We'll learn about Seurat and then create our own artwork. This […]


LEGO Challenge

Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart

Create your own design each month, we'll talk about what we built and vote on our favorite build. Winners will receive a small prize. Each month you can put your […]


Dunlap Bookworms

Dunlap Branch 58485 C.R. 13 East, Elkhart

Join a book discussion at Dunlap on the first Monday, except holidays. For information on attending or getting a copy of the book, please contact Sue Eller at 574-875-3100.