Downtown Library 300 S. Second St., Elkhart, IN, United StatesStaff from IUSB's Financial Aid office help navigate the FAFSA application process. Bring a laptop or borrow one of ours.
Staff from IUSB's Financial Aid office help navigate the FAFSA application process. Bring a laptop or borrow one of ours.
Learns the ins, outs and safety tips from a Purdue Extension educator to start cooking with an air fryer. To register, call 574.533.0554 or email finke24@purdue.edu.
Tackle your clutter with an action plan from a Purdue Extension educator. Attending all three sessions to be entered into a drawing for a gift card.
Beginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.
Tackle your clutter with an action plan from a Purdue Extension educator. Attending all three sessions to be entered into a drawing for a gift card.
Beginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.
Use watercolors to paint a night sky scene.
With expert help from the Purdue Extension office, learn how to manage diabetes effectively. To register call 574.533.0554 or email fink24@purdue.edu.
Beginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.
Improve social, emotion and mental connections through better communication and increase problem-solving and conflict resolution skills with a Purdue Extension educator. To register call 574.533.0554 or email fink24@purdue.edu.
Learn the ins and outs an an air fryer, different model options, cooking techniques and safety tips from a Purdue Extension educator. Register by emailing fink24@purdue.edu or by calling 574-533-0554.
Beginner and expert knitters and crocheters are welcome to work on new or existing projects, share tips, ideas and meet other enthusiasts.